简介:《房间》(Room)导演兰尼·亚伯拉罕姆森(Lenny Abrahamson)的下一部片子将是一战片,名叫《大逃亡》(The Grand Escape)。该片根据历史小说家Neal Bascomb的同名小说改编,讲述了一战中最著名的大规模越狱事件。故事的主角是三名被德国俘虏的一战飞行员,他们从德国的战俘营中挖地道逃跑,最终成功越狱。该故事取材自真人真事,据历史学家统计,一战期间有31.34万人越狱,其中6.7565万人取得成功。
简介:The two lead actors, Tom Murphy who plays Paul (the short one) and Mark O'Halloran who plays Adam (the tall one), were told by the local Garda ( Irish Police) to leave the set as the Garda thought they were real junkies looking to steal items from th