主演:Dennis Torres Rob Da Silva Dustin Jose Kim Allen Miko Laurel
简介:On the day of Roy's birthday, an unexpected event happens in the lives of the people in his house.Unbeknownst to Diego, a hunk gay waiter, Roy, a student, is the only key to the truths sorrounding the lies and deceits in the house.Drugs and hidden
主演:Scott Kelly Mark Kelly Mikhail Kornienko Gennady Padalka AmikoKauderer
简介:在國際太空站逗留近1年的美國太空人凱利和俄羅斯太空人科爾尼延科,昨天聯同另一俄太空人沃爾科夫,乘坐「聯盟TMA-18M」號太空船安全返抵地球,凱利更以340天,創下美國太空人單次逗留太空時間最長紀錄,為未來火星載人任務鋪路。PBS于美国当地时间3月2号播出纪录片《A Year in Space》,全程记录Scott Kelly在太空的生活,结尾更是播出三位宇航员回到地球出舱的珍贵画面。
简介:Set on the cusp of the 19th century in Delhi before the British ruled in that region, the drama depicts the fortunes of the residents of Beecham House, an imposing mansion surrounded by acres of exotic woods and pristine lawns.Tom Bateman (Vanity Fair,