简介:Save My Seoul follows two Korean-American brothers as they discover rampant prostitution and sex trafficking in Seoul, South Korea. With the use of hidden cameras and access to pimps, johns, and sex-workers, Eddie and Jason explore and unravel the complex
主演:特蕾莎·鲁伊斯 穆罕默德·阿米尔 奥马尔·埃尔巴 Farah Bsieso Tobe Nwigwe Mohammad Hindi 李·埃迪 Kasey Bass Michael Y. Kim Mariam Albishah 塞缪尔·戴维斯 雪梨·道比什 Cynthia Yelle Rafael Castillo Rana Haddad 威尔莫·卡德隆 梅勒妮·海恩斯
简介:The film opens in the year 1988 with the death of Mumbai's King of Dharavi (Asia biggest slum) Varadarajan Mudaliar. Following his death, the rival group goes on a rampage and we are introduced to Anna (Satyaraj) who takes the job of protecting Varad
简介:Having come close to his dream of joining BBC as an Investigative reporter, Goutham, an Engineering graduate gets arrested by Police for having used counterfeit degree certificates to swindle a bank. With his career at stake, he decides to take on the cou
简介:The story is of a married woman who, grieving her inability to have children, finds comfort and healing in her friendship with another man. It's about discovering grace in darkness and the unexpected places we find healing.
主演:伊戈尔·伊林斯基 柳德米拉·古尔琴柯 尤里·别洛夫 Georgiy Kulikov 谢尔盖·菲利波夫 Olga Vlasova Andrei Tutyshkin 塔玛拉·诺斯瓦 根纳季·尤金 弗拉基米尔·米哈伊洛维奇·泽尔金 Boris Petker Y. Gusakov 瓦连京·布雷列耶夫 Boris Gusakov I. Khmelnitsky
简介:新年将至,文化宫正在筹备一场盛大的跨年晚宴。奥古尔(伊戈尔·伊林斯基 Igor Ilyinsky 饰)是文化宫新上任的主任,这个严肃的男人决定将晚宴上要表演的所有节目都重新审核一遍,并且在跨年当天发表一份长达40分钟的学术演讲。晚宴上的一切都让奥古尔感到非常的不爽——女演员们的裙子太短、乐队演奏的歌曲太过于花哨和肤浅、参会者竟然想带起花里胡哨的狂欢节面具来遮掩他们的容貌。奥古尔雷厉风行的对整改晚会节目下达了指令,年轻人们当然不会就这样受人摆布,他们决定见招拆招,和奥古尔暗中较劲。