主演:Brenda Fricker Johnny Lee Davenport Hank Harris Bates Wilder
简介:The story moves through the lives of two fragile yet determined people and maps a private geography of love, loss and ultimate redemption. Josh leaves his advertising career at its peak, everyone wants either to be him or to have him. Then he walks away f
主演:Birgit Wildeman Johann Petersen Jan van Rees Freek Töpfer Bote Teerling Eva Kok Ezra Goudzwaard Alexandra Hector Jan Willem Bakker
简介:这是一部向瓦登海致敬的电影。瓦登海是世界上最大、最多样、不间断的潮间带,沿着荷兰、德国和丹麦的海岸延伸。影片见证了人与自然之间粗糙而又脆弱的关系,随着潮汐的吸入和呼出而跳动。这是一个让人着迷的大屏幕,让我们看到四季的循环和对比:生与死,风暴与寂静,大众与个人。这一切都是在天空、水、风、雾和不断变化的光的更大的背景下进行的。导演pieterrim de Kroon以他的观察风格和对细节的关注,将瓦登地区呈现为一个巨大的、有生命的有机体,在那里所有的元素相互联系,受到月亮和太阳的位置,以及来自宇宙的神奇能量的
主演:艾玛雅各布丝 Peter Blake Andrew Wilde Allan Surtees Brett Forrest Simon Shepherd Alastair Duncan Dikran Tulaine
简介:A series of heinous murders ends with the arrest of the supposed killer. But when similar grisly killings continue, a beautiful reporter sets out to prove that the police are holding the wrong man. Or are they?