主演:Angus Cook Peter Doig Toby Mott Steven Thrower Keir Wahid John Watkiss 彼得·沃伦
简介:德里克·贾曼(Derek Jarman)带着他的八架超级相机前往莫斯科拍摄地点,把这部电影重新拍成了他一贯的艺术和令人印象深刻的画面。Derek Jarman went to Moscow with his super-eight camera and shot places, re-creating the film into his usual artistic and impressive image(s).
简介:In upscale Opulent, Arizona, Jason Miller, mid-20s, a spoiled rich kid still living off daddy's money, and his wrong-side-of-the-tracks friend, Rick Brooks, raised in poverty, naively choose the wrong path to riches. Their fast-cash plan crashes them