主演:Joseph Adelakun Kristin Atherton James Corrigan Patrick Drury Waleed Elgadi Martin Hutson Tom Lorcan Hannah Morrish Anthony Ofoegbu Lucy Phelps Jon Tarcy Alex Waldman Marcello Walton Andrew Woodall
简介:Angus Jackson directs Shakespeare’s epic political tragedy, as the race to claim Rome spirals out of control.Caesar returns from war, an all-conquering hero, but mutiny is rumbling through the corridors of power. As the politics of spin and betrayal turn
主演:Josette Simon Andrew Woodall Patrick Drury Antony Byrne Marcello Walton Waleed Elgadi James Corrigan Kristin Atherton Jon Tarcy Anthony Ofoegbu William Bliss Joseph Adelakun
简介:舞台剧改编自文学巨匠莎士比亚的同名剧本。安东尼(瓦利德·埃尔加迪Waleed Elgadi 饰)因沉迷于埃及女王克莉奥佩特拉(约瑟特·西蒙 Josette Simon 饰)的美色而无暇于国家大事,整日里都过着醉生梦死的生活。因为安东尼的疏于朝政,罗马遭到了多方的侵略,其中包括庞贝的背叛和帕提亚人的入侵,不仅如此,安东尼的妻子还因他而死。这一连串的打击让安东尼清醒了过来,返回了罗马。为了巩固朝政,安东尼答应迎娶屋大维的妹妹,这让克莉奥佩特拉伤透了心。待一切平息之后,安东尼火急火燎的回到了克莉奥佩特拉的
简介:When down on her luck Jane Dormant learns about the death of her Aunt Alexandra she expects a life-saving inheritance but finds herself battling bloodthirsty Zombies instead, fighting for her life.
主演:李坤珏 Ruaraidh Murray Keeley-Jo Jupp Stacha Hicks Tony Walker Sophie Anderson Debra Baker Alexa Brown Kyri Saphiris Mark Drake Gigi Burgdorf Waleed Akhtar Amy Strange Wayne Goddard Luca Pusceddu
简介:安东尼(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)因沉迷于埃及女王克莉奥佩特拉(苏菲·奥康内多 Sophie Okonedo 饰)的美色而无暇于国家大事,整日里都过着醉生梦死的生活。因为安东尼的疏于朝政,罗马遭到了多方的侵略,其中包括庞贝的背叛和帕提亚人的入侵,不仅如此,安东尼的妻子还因他而死。这一连串的打击让安东尼清醒了过来,返回了罗马。为了巩固朝政,安东尼答应迎娶屋大维(滕吉·卡斯姆 Tunji Kasim 饰)的妹妹,这让克莉奥佩特拉伤透了心。待一切平息之后,安东尼火急火燎的回到了克莉奥佩特
简介:In a region full of tension, young artists in the Middle East have struggled for years to express themselves freely and to promote more liberal attitudes within their societies. During the Arab spring, like many others of this new Arab generation, local a