主演:米科拉·贝雷扎 奥列格·舒尔加 伊戈尔·科尔托夫斯基 Lubov Tyshchenko Aleksandr Mavrits Vladimir Shpudejko
简介:1947. Commander of UPA (or The Ukrainian Insurgent Army) Danylo Chervonyi gets into the terrible slaughter of Stalin's prison-camp Gulag, where he must go through hell and inhumane prison conditions, prosecution of criminal leaders, meanness, betraya
简介:A cartoon based on the works of Nikolay Gogol. Handsome blacksmith Vakula who fell in love with village beauty, Oksana, is ready to do anything for her liking. Even to fly on the devil's back to Saint-Petersburg and ask the Empress for the slippers t
主演:Polina Raykina Timofey Tribuntcev Agrippina Steklova Vladimir Bolshov Anton Kuznetcov Yury Butusov Lika Nifontova Mariana Spivak Denis Sukhanov Artem Osipov Anton Kuznecov Marina Drovosekova Sergey Bubnov
简介:Stage Russia HD (Satirikon Theatre): Anton Chekhov’s first of four major plays dramatizes the romantic and artistic conflicts between its four main characters: Boris Trigorin, a well-known writer, the ingenue Nina, the fading actress Irina Arkadina, and h
主演:弗雷德·埃瓦努伊克 谢拉赫·霍斯达尔 艾力克斯·萨哈拉 Michelle Creber Anne Openshaw 加里·切克 吉莲·芭伯 Daniel Jeffery Tom McBeath Vladimir Ruzich Mark Brandon Haley Victoria Hunt Michael Schaldemose Rhys Saleken
简介:A man discovers that he has the unpredictable ability to see two minutes into the future.
简介:故事发生在1941年,纳粹占领了乌克兰,对生活在那里的犹太人进行了惨无人道的清洗。年仅6岁的安娜(玛塔·科兹洛娃 Marta Kozlova 饰)虽然在这场暴行中失去了双亲,但自己却奇迹般的活了下来,她躲在纳粹指挥官办公室废弃的壁炉烟道里,不知道何时才能够重见天日。在担惊受怕的这些日子里,安娜白天小心的将自己隐藏起来,静静等待夜幕降临。只有当一切都沉睡在黑暗中后,她才敢偷偷的从藏身处出来,寻找一些食物和水源,以维系自己十分虚弱的生命力。在努力生存下去的同时,安娜也从来都没有放弃过寻找逃出生天的方法的希望
主演:Inna Petrova Yuri Klevtsov Maria Alexandrova Sergei Filin Gennady Yanin Andrei Melanin Love Filippov Vladimir Moiseyev Xenia Pchelkina Anastasia Yatsenko
主演:Plamen Velikov Krassimir Dokov Vladimir Yamnenko
简介:兄弟檔劉巴卡與高休帶著各自的兒子一起搶了一間郵局,劉巴卡帶著贓款潛逃卻遇害,剩下的三人急著將贓款追回。劉巴卡的兒子巴比試著找出殺父兇手,卻因而發現了可怕的家族秘密Snow is a film for the choice, betrayal and forgiveness between brothers and sons, narrated on the background of the harsh reality in an abandoned place.