主演:Ian Pangilinan Paolo Pangilinan Adrienne Vergara Yesh Burce Justine Peña Che Ramos Chrome Cosio Franco Ramos
简介:19岁的卡尔(保罗·庞吉利南 Paolo Pangilinan 饰)是一名修习建筑学的学生,为了培养他独立生活的能力,卡尔的父母切断了卡尔的经济来源,要求他搬到叔叔的公寓,在那里开始独自的生活。为了赚钱,卡尔只得开始打工,然而,当他的一个客户突然人间蒸发后,卡尔陷入了经济危机之中。一天,一个名叫乔什(伊恩·庞里南 Ian Pangilinan 饰)的男人搬到了卡尔家隔壁,成为了他的邻居。乔什和家里人闹了矛盾,才一个人躲了出来。他向卡尔提出了一个离谱的要求,委托卡尔和他开始同居生活并且假扮他的男朋友,作为
简介:CUT Version:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM1OTQ5NjcxMg==.html?from=y1.7-1.2On the verge of achieving his dream career, Tomás allows his older brother Martín Farina an inside look at his life as a professional football player. Martín, never able to fulf
主演:Bob Fulton Stuart Barrie John Keenan Robert Somerville Humberto Arenas Pascale Bonnefoy Jaime Donoso Ernesto Galaz Sergio Requena-Rueda Fernando Rojas Vender Raul Vergara
简介:In a Scottish town in 1974, factory workers refuse to carry out repairs on warplane engines in an act of solidarity against the violent military coup in Chile. Four years pass before the engines, left to rust in factory yard, mysteriously disappear in the
主演:杰瑞米·艾恩斯 萨尔瓦多·达利 路易斯·布努埃尔 费德里戈·加西亚·洛尔卡 Norman Foster Miguel Falomir Andrés Úbeda de los Cobos José de la Fuente Enrique Quintana Javier Portús Alejandro Vergara José Manuel Matilla Leticia Ruiz Almudena Sánchez Manuela Mena Elisa Mora María López Villarejo
简介:On the occasion of the official 200th anniversary celebrations, this documentary is the first cinematic journey through the rooms, stories and emotions of one of the most visited museums in the world.Its wealth of over 8000 art treasures is a spell-bindi