简介:2003年文德斯参加了马丁斯科塞斯Martin Scorsese发起的为蓝调音乐寻根的Mini影集《The Blues》,拍摄了其中名为《一个人的灵魂》(The Soul of a Man)的一集。(参与这个影集的还有克林特 伊斯特伍德(《杀无赦》)和迈克 菲吉斯(Mike Figgis,《远离赌城》)等人)Martin Scorsese本人导的单元Feel Like Going Home结构松散,缺乏重心(从美国跳到西非,又只挑一两个乐手作重点,蜻蜓点水般轻轻略过),一看就知道是个音乐外行人,也
简介:A young American painter and his French wife move with their small daughter to the US when the husband's father dies. His mother takes an instant dislike to the wife, and when she finds out that her daughter-in-law is a nudist who once posed naked fo
主演:妮可·德波儿 J.H·惠曼 乔伊·坦纳 Alle Ghadban Kenneth McGregor James Carver Brock Simpson Krista Bulmer 菲尔·莫里森 Fab Filippo Colin D. Simpson Thea Andrews Bill Jay Deni DeLory Carolyn Tweedle Tyler Daniels Ray Sager Brad Simpson Suzanne Vaillancourt Garry Borris
主演:Khristian Fulmer Erin Lilley Leah Christine Johnson Martin Ross Henne Scott Alan Warner Monica Ganoe Kelly Houk Amir Zandi Alton Landry Eric C. Schmitz Nathan ONeil Smith Michael Santini Isabella Alberti 老本内特·韦恩·迪恩 Talaine Lyle Valerie Logan Charles Ragas