简介:这部影片是基于Momrajawong Kukrit Pramoj的同名小说改编,94年向世界各地发行后,被认定是剽窃之作。这部小说多处情节抄袭John Wyndham的小说《Midwich镇的杜鹃》(The Midwich Cuckoos),后者早在1960年就被拍成电影《Village of the Damned》并在1995年进行了重拍。在泰国的传统节日——水灯节(Loy Kratong)这天,Bangpleng小镇的镇民齐聚在河边,以放水灯的形式许下愿望。这一天是满月,校长(其妻已有身孕)向Som
简介:Joe Merrill, son of the millionaire owner of a chain of 5 and 10 cent stores, poses as Joe Grant, and takes a job in the stockroom of one of his father’s stores, to prove that he can be a success without his father’s influence. There he meets stockroom gi
主演:雷夫·瓦朗 Elena Varzi 萨罗·乌尔齐 Franco Navarra Liliana Lattanzi Mirella Ciotti 萨罗·阿尔奇迪亚科诺 Francesco Tomalillo Paolo Reale Giuseppe Priolo Renato Terra Carmela Trovato Angelo Grasso Assunta Radico Francesca Russella
简介:Women wait anxiously at a minehead in Capodarso, Sicily. Their men are underground. The mine is closing and the miners refuse to come up unless the owner relents. After three days, they give up in despair... In a bar in town, Ciccio is recruiting workers
主演:莱斯利·霍华德 温蒂·希勒 威尔弗里德·劳森 玛丽·洛尔 Scott Sunderland Jean Cadell David Tree 埃弗利·格雷格 Leueen MacGrath 埃斯米·珀西 Violet Vanbrugh Iris Hoey Viola Tree 伊雷娜·布朗 Kate Cutler 凯瑟琳·内斯比特 O.B. Clarence 沃利·帕奇 H.F. Maltby George Mozart
简介:伊利莎(温蒂•希勒Wendy Hiller 饰)是伦敦街头的卖花女。她相貌清丽,可惜家境贫寒,满口乡音。她叫卖鲜花的声音飘荡在街头,甜美动听,传到语言学家希金斯教授(Leslie Howard 莱斯利•霍华德 饰)那里。教授非常欢喜,觉得伊利莎是个可塑之材。伊利莎觉得这是个改变命运的好机会,于是找到希金斯。皮克林是希金斯(Scott Sunderland 史葛特•桑德兰饰)朋友,他暗中打赌,如果希金斯能把伊利莎调教成贵妇出席半年后的宴会,那么培养费就由他承担。从每一个发音开始纠正,专业的训练让伊利莎慢
简介:"Plastic Paradise" is an independent documentary film that chronicles Angela Sun's personal journey of discovery to one of the most remote places on Earth, Midway Atoll, to uncover the truth behind the mystery of the Great Pacific Garbage P