简介:I can see people will either love or hate this movie, depending on your own experiences and loves. Its basically about a incredibly obese police officer coming to terms with his own mortality (he is given a year to live at the start of the movie). It has
简介:印尼女導演Ratna Sarumpaet是個社運活躍份子,積極為邊緣社群發聲,在蘇哈托掌權的時代曾多次被捕。四年前UNICEF委託她研究印尼猖獗的人口販賣情況,她將搜集得來的個案拍成舞台劇,其後再親自改編成電影。妓女Jamila殺了一名高級官員後自首,被判終身監禁,事件震驚全國。獄長Ria揭開Jamila的身世:她小時候因家境貧窮被賣給人口販子,繼而淪為雛妓。更可怕的是,Jamila的悲劇在印尼只屬冰山一角。Four years ago, acclaimed Indonesia theater dire