主演:Bret Brook Parker Emily Davis Michael Daley Michael Frederickson Erik Langley Jimmy Lillard Austin Madison 凯尔西·曼 Kyle McDaniel Victor Navone Michael Yates Aphton Corbin Mitra Shahidi 石之予
简介:The film is based on stylized depiction of actual life events surrounding the war on terror in Pakistan including the attack on a Police Academy at Lahore in 2009. Major Mujtaba is a former army officer, who took an early retirement from the service. The
简介:宝莱坞首次打入英国票房Top20的歌舞片。讲述了两个不同家庭背景的男女主角,突破重重阻碍最终走到了一起,完美的爱情故事。 Manav comes to visit India with his wealthy father Jagmohan Mehta , his aunt and uncle, and his father's employees. In
简介:前美军特种部队炸弹专家史蒂芬·阿瑟·杨格(麦克·辛 Michael Sheen 饰)正走向一条危险之途,作为穆斯林他不满美国对待阿拉伯国家的政策,于是策划发动恐怖袭击。他宣称在三个城市中分别安放了三颗小型原子弹,美国本土危在旦夕。FBI反恐部门女探员海伦·布洛迪(凯瑞-安·莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss 饰)负责调查此案,却在紧要关头发现军方以及一个神秘部门介入其中。她的小队连同极度危险的谈判专家亨利·汉弗莱斯(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)受命审讯史蒂芬。绰号H的亨利手