简介:Jewish Jack-the-lad David seriously fancies smart, rich Anglo-Saxon Carrie as soon as he first offends her in a Boston bar. They run into each other again and though she still says she finds him appalling he works on it and they are soon together. His eve
简介:Four guys sit around drinking beer and talking, trying to figure out the meaning of "the pompatus of love" (from the Steve Miller song "Joker") and analyzing their relationships with women.
主演:John Gielgud Alan Rickman Michael Hordern Patrick Ryecart Rebecca Saire Anthony Andrews Celia Johnson
简介:在一场盛大的舞会上,罗密欧(帕特里克·赖卡特 Patrick Ryecart 饰)和朱丽叶(丽贝卡·赛尔 Rebecca Saire 饰)相遇了。然而,两人所在的家族相互有着深仇大恨,所以情投意合的两人根本就没有可能走到一起。入夜,罗密欧潜入朱丽叶家的后花园向其倾诉爱意,心意相通的两人难舍难分,决定瞒着家族偷偷完婚。朱丽叶的表兄泰华(艾伦·里克曼 Alan Rickman 饰)得知此事十分愤怒,他向罗密欧发出了决斗的挑衅。莫丘托(安东尼·安德鲁斯 Anthony Andrews 饰)是罗密欧的挚友,为了