主演:丹妮尔·哈丽丝 比利·布莱尔 Tatiana Sokolova Robert Bess 肖恩 C.菲利普斯 Charles Solomon Jr. Niko El Santo Zavero Beau D. Boykin 娜塔莉·琼斯 Jennifer Michelle Stone II William Instone 维克多·V·盖尔索米诺 Michelle Hill Kellen DeRuy Lisa Hinds
简介:In 1963, in the village of Milagres in a very poor area of Brazil, a group of soldiers arrive to protect the store of a politician from a group of starving people. They have rifles for guarding the food and avoid the sacking by the population. One of the
主演:弗兰科·内罗 乌苏拉·安德丝 Jorge Luke 布兰卡·格拉 Heraclio Zepeda Jorge Reynoso Roberto Ruy Erika Carlsson Trinidad Esclava Vytautas Tomkus Boris Belyakov Roger Cudney Igor Ivanov 瑟顿·婼玛 尼古拉·沃尔科夫