简介:In this documentary, director Martin Witz tells the story of the friendship and collaboration between Michael Jary and the homosexual songwriter Bruno Balz. In the roaring twenties and then during the Nazi era, the two produced many hits for escapist musi
主演:艾丽丝·费伊 The Ritz Brothers 唐·阿米契 查尔斯·温宁格 吉普赛·罗斯·李 David Rubinoff 阿瑟·特雷彻 托尼·马丁 菲莉丝·布鲁克斯 Wally Vernon Tip Tap & Toe 路易斯·普瑞玛 George Humbert 杰德·普罗蒂 多萝西·克里斯蒂
主演:Tress MacNeille Michael Rother Dieter Moebius Carl Stone Rika Ohara John Payne Charles Lane Daniel Lynch Millner Sarah Holbert Peter Schulte Manuel Boecker
简介:Was Yoko Ono “planted by a Japanese corporation to break up the Beatles”? Wasn’t an American one –– with the country’s hardware industry rapidly sinking, and the hopes for its cultural export rising –– more likely to profit?The year is 1999. Rock widow Y