简介:A.J. Fikry's wife has died, his bookstore is in trouble, and now his prized rare edition of Poe poems has been stolen. But when a mysterious package appears, its arrival gives him the chance to make his life over and see things anew. A NYT Bestseller
简介:老作家安东尼奥(安东尼奥·拉瑞塔 Antonio Larreta 饰)八十多岁了,有一天他突然梦到了小时候的年轻保姆的脸。这一天,安东尼奥多年未见 的钢琴师儿子就要回家探望刚因心脏病发而卧床输液的父亲。家庭护士玛利亚(玛利亚·得尔卡门·吉门耐兹 María del Carmen Jiménez 饰)和艾米莎(艾米莎·罗丹 Emilse Roldán 饰)从清早起便开始忙碌,要给安东尼奥做早点, 打针吃药,理发,找琴师来调几十年都没人弹的德国钢琴,侍弄菜园,还得对付安东尼奥的健忘病。但谁也没想到,不听话的安
主演:Alfredo del Diestro Carmen Guerrero Antonio R. Frausto Luis G. Barreiro Joaquín Busquets Emma Roldán 阿方索·桑切斯·特略 米格尔·M·德尔加多 Carlos López
简介:During Mexican Revolution, Rosalio Mendoza (Del Diestro) survives by making and winning favors from both factions, the governmental forces and Zapata's Army. His hacienda welcomes everybody, and Mendoza is considered a good friend of his guests. Even
主演:Alfredo del Diestro Luis G. Barreiro Adela Sequeyro Arturo Campoamor Adela Jaloma Emma Roldán Alicia Bolaños Antonio R. Frausto Luis Sánchez Tello Joaquín Coss Ricardo Carti
主演:Víctor Urruchúa Carlos Villatoro Magda Haller H. Beltran de Heder Emma Roldán Alberto Miquel 曼努埃尔·安东尼奥·诺列加
简介:Masterpiece precedes 'Rashomon'.One of the greatest films of all time is Kurosawa's 'Rashomon', which features an unusual narrative structure: the same events are shown in flashback four times, each time from the viewpoint of a d