主演:艾萨克·阿雷兰尼斯 Amadi Chapata 尼古拉·科雷亚·达姆得 Carlos Gonzalez-Vio 琳达·卡辛 汉娜·莱文森 Chloe Ling Christina Ma 珍妮特·波特 马丁·罗奇 Nadine Whiteman Roden J. Santiago Suárez 卢卡·维拉西斯
主演:卡斯帕·范·迪恩 洛奇林·莫罗 琦普·帕杜 格里克·温斯顿 Melissa Croden Chris Austman Corinne Van Ryck de Groot Krissy Pomerleau Brianna Rose Nathan Pronyshyn Steven McMichael Kenny Lofton
简介:Zoey, an up and coming mixed martial arts fighter, gives up her dream of fighting in a worldwide mixed martial arts tournament to fight in the seedy, underground world of mixed martial arts fighting after her father is killed by the Russian mob associated
简介:1974年的英国约克郡,时刻笼罩在一片氤氲雾气之中,空气中弥漫着哀愁和不祥的气息,接连数起儿童绑架案件让约克的气氛愈加压抑起来。年轻气盛的记者埃迪·丹福德(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)对此极为关注,积极展开调查,甚至无暇顾及业已病危的父亲。然而随着调查的深入,他却发现这些并非简单的绑架案,设计政界的黑幕渐渐浮出水面,埃迪也不自觉地为层层危险所包围。浓浓黑雾,难以散去……本片改编自David Peace的四部悬疑小说(分别以年度为书名:1974、1977、1980、1983,合称
简介:Long-suffering Czech Pavel Zeman works six jobs, so his ungrateful wife Liba can buy designer shoes and clothes.(http://www.kan84.net/bdhd/btShutUpandShootMe2005.html) Colin Frampton is an Englishman who never stops worrying, not even on holiday in Prague
简介:艾莉森(梅利莎·乔治 Melissa George 饰)是一名攀岩爱好者,一次位于苏格兰高地的攀岩活动中,她和他的四名队友在无意之中发现了一个秘密的地下室,在那里,关着一个年幼的塞尔维亚女孩。直觉告诉艾莉森事有蹊跷,正义感爆发的她决定和队友们一同解救这个被绑架的可怜女孩。原来,女孩是东欧某黑道老大的女儿,两名不知天高地厚的绑匪劫持了她,希望得到巨额的赎金,如果这一行动失败,那等待着他们的只有死路一条。艾莉森一行人的行动触怒了绑匪,为了利益,也为了保命,在登山队和穷凶极恶的暴徒之间,一场惊心动魄的你追我逃
简介:Spy escapades riddled with double crosses and triple crosses were all the rage in the '60s and '70s, and this is Peter Collinson's belated addition to the genre. An uninspired and very routine espionage yarn, set (and filmed) in Israel, The