简介:Ahimsaka was born in India to a noble family. On his 16th birthday his father sent him to complete his education and Ahimsaka became the teacher’s favorite. The other jealous students told him Ahimsaka was flirting with the teacher’s wife. Deciding to pun
简介:Sian 是个英俊的泰国东北部人,他热爱自己的家乡并深爱着自己和他的女朋友。 他正在等待着他的女朋友 Som 从曼谷回来两人一起生活。 Sian 帮母亲煮醉蝶花在小店里贩售。Pak 是 Sian 的学妹, 自从大学一年级开始就一直暗恋 Sian。终于有一天,Som 带着新男友回来了,并宣布两人很快会结婚。Sian的梦想被浇灭了。Sian试图让他最好的朋友Banjong帮忙打探Som这样做的缘由。但是 Banjong 的无能让他自己陷入了和村民、和女朋友 Saijai 的争吵中。混乱使得村民们崇拜的尊者 M
简介:After a young private escaped from the military field, he unfortunately met a skillful lost ranger who then forced him to return to the mountain to help other rangers in the war.