简介:The plot revolves round the life of Karthik (Dhanush) a struggling freelance photographer in Chennai who does portfolios, weddings and other functions. Karthik has a keen interest in wild life photography and friends call him a genius, though he is bit of
简介:阿西特(安德鲁·格莱格森 Andrew Gregson 饰)是家中的长子,刚刚从农科大学毕业的他想要继续深造读书,然而家中经济拮据,光是养活几个妹妹就已经很吃力了,怎么可能再匀出学费给他念书。于是,懂事的阿西特决定将学习的机会让给妹妹们,自己则去找一份工作,补贴家用。父亲拗不过阿西特下定的决心,于是联系了和他们早已经断绝来往的母亲,如今的母亲经营着一家大农场,阿西特可以在那里找到一份对口的工作。就这样,阿西特来到了母亲的农场,在这里,他遇见了自己的义妹达露妮(琵雅缇达·米提拉荣 Piyathida Mi
简介:Having come close to his dream of joining BBC as an Investigative reporter, Goutham, an Engineering graduate gets arrested by Police for having used counterfeit degree certificates to swindle a bank. With his career at stake, he decides to take on the cou