简介:安娜(亚历桑德娜·内尔德尔 Alexandra Neldel 饰)一直希望能够将自己的房子改造成一间旅店,可是,在实现梦想的道路上,安娜屡屡受挫,最终沦落到和高利贷债主诺伯特(戈茨·舒伯特 Götz Schubert 饰)借钱的境地。还款日期眼看着就要到了,可是什么事情都没有着落的安娜根本无力偿还贷款和利息。为了讨债,诺伯特找到了强壮彪悍的拳击手卡尔(亨德里克·杜恩 Hendrik Duryn 饰),雇佣他帮自己讨债。虽然卡尔觉得安娜是一个非常有魅力的女人,但公事公办,卡尔和安娜之间开始了周旋。渐渐的,
简介:6岁的土耳其男孩钱克(拉斐尔·寇索里斯 Rafael Koussouris 饰)跟着家人们生活在德国,最近,他遇到了一件非常令他感到困扰的事情,那就是他渐渐的开始搞不清楚,自己到底算土耳其人还是德国人。时间线回到40年前,钱克的爷爷只身一人从土耳其前往德国打拼,当他在这个经济发达的国家站稳脚跟之后,便将自己的一家老小都接了过来。就这样,钱克一家人便在德国扎下了根,他们再也没有回过土耳其。不忍心看到钱克整天忧心忡忡的样子,爷爷偷偷的在土耳其买了一栋房子,并且号召全家人踏上前往土耳其的返乡之旅,这样突发奇想
主演:Rafael Amaya Robert Kubilos Elizabeth Gutierrez Ricardo Mestre Veronica Milagros
简介:An aspiring artist, Angel, wins a radio contest which allows him to become an intern to a famous fashion photographer. Angel tries to please his boss while also having twelve supermodels flirt with him.
简介:What is left for an aging, none-too-attractive man whose artistic ambitions faded long ago? The past, once so full of hope, is only a boozy memory of bohemian friends who don’t take him any more seriously than he does himself. Is there any way that he can
简介:Mariana (42) is part of that Chilean upper class that takes privilege for granted. Despised by both her father and her husband, she feels a strange attraction towards her riding teacher, Juan (60), a former colonel suspected of human rights abuses during