简介:On July 14th, 2016 the Shoah Foundation, Here Be Dragons, Otoy, and the United Nations traveled to Majdanek Concentration Camp to preserve an intimate conversation with a Holocaust survivor. The resulting VR experience, captured with advanced immersive te
主演:Jacqueline du Pré Daniel Barenboim John Barbirolli Zubin Mehta Itzhak Perlman William Pleeth Pinchas Zukerman
简介:生于1945年的英国大提琴演奏家杰奎琳•杜普蕾(Jacqueline du Pré)虽然留在世上只有42个年头,但她凭借过人的才华和摄人的表现力虏获万千古典音乐爱好者。杰奎琳5岁即展现过人天赋,11岁正式走上舞台,英国作曲家埃尔加的作品埃尔加大提琴协奏曲(Cello Concerto in E minor, op.85)一经她的演奏更加具有独特的魅力。然而天妒英才,正当盛年的杰奎琳于1973年被确诊罹患多发性硬化症,离开心爱的舞台。1987年去世,留给世间无限的遗憾……本片记录了杰奎琳•杜普蕾的成长、
主演:Jacqueline Du Pré Vladimir Ashkenazy Daniel Barenboim Itzhak Perlman Pinchas Zukerman Zubin Mehta
简介:This DVD contains our film Who Was Jacqueline du Pré? which has never previously been released in any home video format, an interview with Jacqueline du Pré which we shot in December 1980 and which has never before been seen by anybody but us, a 12 minute