主演:尤·伯连纳 马西莫·拉涅里 芭芭拉·布薛特 马丁·鲍尔萨姆 贾科莫·富里亚 萨尔瓦托雷·博尔盖塞 Loris Bazzocchi 罗萨里奥·博雷利 鲁吉·伯诺斯 伦佐·马里尼亚诺 贾恩卡洛·斯布拉贾 真纳罗·贝内杜切 Paul Costello Domenico Di Costanzo Gilberto Galimberti
简介:Opening with a funky 70's concert presumably in Italy, DEATH RAGE is an obscure Italian knockoff of the American action flick starring Yul Brynner in one of his final film performances. Brynner is really the only good reason to watch this movie, as t
简介:Im Wesentlichen geht es in dem Film darum, dass der untote Eric wieder zurückkehrt und Philipps Freundin Helma grausam ermordet. Somit wird ihm klar, dass Eric kein Gonger ist. Als Phili
主演:宝琳·布雷特 热拉尔丁娜·帕亚 奥尔本·勒努瓦 伊莲娜·扎贝斯 弗朗索瓦兹·勒布伦 拉法埃尔·阿贡吉 Barbara Probst 安娜玛丽亚·沃特鲁梅 Margot Abascal Mama Prassinos Sarah Fourage Théo Costa-Marini Auguste Wilhelm Guillaume Costanza Denis Coutaudier
简介:Violette is old enough to marry in 1852 when her mountain village is brutally deprived of all its men following the repression of the Republicans ordered by Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte. The women spend months in total isolation. Desperate to one day see thei