简介:距离今年贵斋月还不到一个月的时间﹐英国广播公司(BBC)宣告摄制完成一部历史名人传记纪录片《穆罕默德生平》(The Life of Muhammad)。 负责监制这部纪录片的经理是英国广播公司的一名穆斯林学者阿基尔‧艾哈迈德﹐影片的旁白讲解员是一位《半岛电视台》英文节目主持人拉加尔‧欧麦尔。英国《卫报》宗教事务记者丽雅扎特‧布特星期四(7月7日)应邀出席了这部传记纪录片的预演式﹐事后她在《卫报》发表了影评﹐对这部影片大加赞赏。 她说﹕“一个普通的男子﹐只用了二十来年的时间﹐就永远改变了世界历史。”她说
简介:It was the world's last Islamic empire - a super-power of a million square miles. From its capital in Istanbul it matched the glories of Ancient Rome. And after six centuries in power it collapsed less than a hundred years ago. Rageh Omaar sets out t
简介:At the British Museum, a collection of artefacts from the Muslim world is on show which tells the history of a journey to Mecca always forbidden to non-Muslims. It features a succession of examples of the rich visual language of Islamic culture past and p