简介:尽管厄尔(马丁·劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)身强体壮孔武有力,但暴躁的性格和简单的头脑让他离做个好警察的目标越来越远,在又一次闯下大祸之后,他成为了一名小保安。一次交通检查中,厄尔遇见了警察汉克(史蒂夫·茨恩 Steve Zahn 饰),脾性迥异的两人为了一点小事大打出手,导致汉克更因为厄尔的小小手段丢掉了工作也成为了一名保安。厄尔怎么也不会想到的是,正是他的手段让汉克成为了自己的同事,他们不仅在一座大厦里工作,甚至被编排在了一起做了搭档,充满了争吵的生活可想而知。偶然中,厄尔和汉克发现
简介:这是一个蓝色城市的早晨。在一个荒凉的工业建筑区里,一个男孩,一个自杀的男人和两个偷车贼不期而遇。最后,会发生怎样最意想不到的结果呢。It's morning in Blue City. Amidst a bleak industrial landscape, a boy, a suicidal man, and two car thieves continually cross paths. In the end, the most unlikely candidate emerges uns
简介:Holly G. (Victoria Foyt) is a successful clothing designer with her own boutique who, in the course of a tumultuous Mother's Day weekend, is confronted with deceit, elation, desperation, kleptomania, rebellion, addiction and passion while under press
主演:迪韦恩 大卫·劳克里 玛丽·薇薇安·皮尔斯 敏科·斯荳 库基·米勒 伊迪丝·梅西 苏珊·洛 Rick Morrow
简介:The travelling sideshow 'Lady Divine's Cavalcade of Perversions' is actually a front for a group of psychotic kidnappers, with Lady Divine herself the most vicious and depraved of all - but her life changes after she gets raped by a fifteen