简介:Devastated by the violent death of his wife, helicopter pilot Sven Hanson (Ralph Moeller, Gladiator, Scorpion King) helplessly watches as his personal life and business unravel. He finds renewed hope on the exotic island of Mallorca until the day his peac
主演:Derrick Simmons Lexi Moeller Don Wallace 里克·埃罗 Tim Gallin Mary Beth Albers Charles Balducci Jonathan Baston Anthony M. Bianco Philippe Chang 布莱斯·科里根 Alanna Dachille Brian M. Delaney Mark DeMayo 克里斯托弗·乔恩·贡博什
简介:A younger woman meets the man of her dreams with the perfect lifestyle and image. Once they get married, her perfect dream turns into a nightmare.
主演:王牌接线员拉里 理查德·布尔 J. David Moeller Will Clinger Omar Dykes
简介:拉里(王牌接线员拉里 Larry The Cable Guy 饰)从小就有着壮阔的英雄梦,帅气的拿着手枪追捕四处逃窜的犯人是常常在他梦中出现的景致,因此,他成为了一名小镇治安官。可是,现实是这样的无奈,自拉里上任以来,小镇上不仅没有发生过一起犯罪事件,甚至连个陌生人的影子都没有。一次偶然中,拉里遇见了四个神秘的黑衣人,在他们中间拥簇着的,是一个神情紧张的美女。直觉告诉拉里,有些阴谋正在发酵,而这个楚楚可怜的美女显然就是受害者。拉里意气风发的从黑衣人的手中“救出”了美女,可这位美女却并没有如拉里所想的那样