简介:A young singer, in the time of Emperor Akbar the Great, sets out to avenge his father, killed in a disturbance near the house of a member of the Court.
简介:A truck-driver accused of killing a man is sentenced to providing for the family of his victim. His interactions with the victim's village, as well as that person's widow and orphan, is the story.
简介:BBC coverage of the wedding of Prince William Windsor and Kate Middleton.婚礼于4月29日在伦敦威斯敏斯特大教堂举行。届时,小王子哈里将担任哥哥的伴郎,新娘凯特选择妹妹菲莉帕作自己的伴娘。 当天,凯特将和父亲乘坐皇家轿车前往教堂,威廉王子则将和弟弟哈里乘坐皇家轿车前往。婚礼举行之后,新人将乘坐四轮马车回到白金汉宫。威廉王子的父母——查尔斯王储与已故王妃戴安娜当年结婚时,乘坐的也是这辆马车。婚礼将于11时开始。约1900名贵宾将应
简介:The story is set in a Zamindar's palace. Just like in Velaikaran, Rajni Zamindar Sarath Babu's loyal servant. In a village drama, Meena catches Sarath's eye but a turn of circumstances forces Rajni to take Meena back home. They are stuck fo