主演:安东尼奥·卡萨尔 Isabel de Pomés Guillermo Marín Félix de Pomés 胡莉娅·拉霍斯 Julia Pachelo Manolita Morán Antonio Riquelme José Franco
简介:本片是西班牙经典幻想片之一。当年美国演员查理-卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)看过此片后称西班牙导演Edgar Neville是“他所遇见过的最会讲故事的人”(“the best storyteller he ever met”),并对此片的评价甚高。《乡村之声》也对此片有过详尽的介绍。La Torre de los Siete Jorobados is a 1944 Spanish mystery film directed by Edgar Neville. It is based on a
主演:Cantinflas Chela Castro Lucía Méndez Ángel Garasa Manolita Saval Delia Peña Orta Alonso Castaño Miguel Manzano Daniel Chino Herrera Raúl Chato Padilla Tamara Garina Alejandra Meyer José Manuel Fregoso Pedro Muñoz Romero Judith Velasco
简介:This movie is one of the best Mexican movies from the golden age in Mexico and is starred by one of the best Mexican actors (Joaquin Pardave).It's the story of an aristocrat family (the Veradadas) that run out of money, and they have to ask loans to