主演:Mako Iwamatsu Zelda Rubinstein Kheng-hua Tan Manju Asrani Bobby Tonelli Dickson Tan
简介:What happens when a single Singaporean mother and her blind son find themselves face to face with her estranged and despised father of 20 years?Twenty years of silence are broken when a feisty young woman, ALI (Tan Kheng Hua) and her sheltered, 8 year-ol
简介:CHAIN MAIL Sayaka's friends get their kicks sending out hoax emails in the name of one of their classmates who committed suicide. Though Sakaya feels quilty about not standing up to the hoax, things start to go terribly awry when her classmates begin
简介:在日本,什麼可以讓龐克搖滾歌手、政治系學生、漫畫家、市政廳長官和邊緣人一起在部落格上熱烈發言討論?答案是作家太宰治。2009 年是太宰治誕生100 週年,可想見這位作品風格以頹廢浪蕩見長的日本作家,在新世紀之初必會再次受到日本社會的重視。本片透過並列太宰治作品頌讀與書迷的影像互動,傳達出至今仍糾纏日本社會的太宰治生命的陰影。Japan 2009. What can indeed share a rock punk singer, a political science student, a manga
简介:A journey of three companions begins with a casual meeting. The purposeless journey is carried on with the harmless conversation. This is a modern fairy story trying to sense as much about the significance in life which is a series of nonsense events.