简介:这是施瓦辛格拍的第一部电影。众神之王宙斯的儿子大力神赫克鲁斯(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)厌倦了父亲的严厉管束,瞒着宙斯独自下凡到人间去体验生活。赫克鲁斯在人间利用自己力气帮助了很多有需要的人,一次偶然机会,他在纽约中央公园被星探发掘。凭借惊人的力气赫克鲁斯一夜之间成了当红巨星,在人间过上了富足幸福的生活。宙斯的妻子朱莉嫉妒心极强,她知道了赫克鲁斯在凡间过得十分得意时,派人偷走了他的力气。毫不知情的赫克鲁斯在参加电视直播的一项大力士比赛时输得一败涂地,随后失去了力量的
简介:Because too much is never enough! The boys of Jackass are at it again with an all-new unrated movie loaded with even more outrageous stunts, stupids, and never-before-seen-pranks and mayhem, including Steve-O's up-close and personal encounter with a
简介:《Free To Play》是一部纪录长片。影片跟随三位不同国家的职业电竞选手,讲述他们在首届Dota 2国际邀请赛中为一百万美元的奖金奋力拼搏的故事。近几年来,电子竞技开始大幅流行,已经跻身于当今人口基数众多的竞技运动行列中。百万奖金的赛事改变了整个电竞圈的格局,而对于正值巅峰时期的顶尖选手来说,这样的机会也是千载难逢。经过Valve的精心打造,影片完整地记录了选手们在顶尖对决的过程中遇到的挑战和做出的牺牲。
主演:Robin Groves Christopher Loomis Michael David Lally 约翰·卡拉丁 Bill Rowley David Tabor Patrick Farrelly Bobo Lewis June Berry Ann Varley Cecile Liebman Ron Levine Bruce Kronenberg Jim Nixon James Saxon Jeffrey B. McLaughlin James Hayden Jery Hewitt Cliff Cudn
简介:A writer suffering from agoraphobia rents an isolated house so she can concentrate on her writing. She doesn't know that the house is a former brothel, and is inhabited by the ghosts of dead prostitutes.
简介:A Good American tells the story of the best code-breaker the USA ever had and how he and a small team within NSA created a surveillance tool that could pick up any electronic signal on earth, filter it for targets and render results in real-time while kee