简介:After years of being seen via VHS and DVD, Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, and their friends come toTV.Every week Bob invites us to his house where he and the gang answer letters from kids and help them with their problems using their fun and somet
简介:弗兰克(米兰·佩斯彻尔 Milan Peschel饰)和西蒙(斯黛菲·库恩特 Steffi Kühnert饰)本是一对幸福的夫妇,他们拥有稳定的工作、新买的房子,还有一双儿女。然而一个突如其来的消息不仅让弗兰克震惊,更让整个家庭都瞬间坍塌——弗兰克被诊断出脑部长了一颗不能动手术的肿瘤。即将面对死亡的他,在尽力克服着药物治疗和化学治疗带来的副作用。弗兰克所剩时日不多,他开始用手机每天记录下这生命的最后时刻。本片荣获2011年第64届戛纳电影节一种关注单元一种关注大奖。导演阐述这部电影的源起来自身边一些饱受
简介:凯撒死后,安东尼和屋大维都怀抱野心,但决定先合作打击布鲁图斯和卡西乌斯。在刺杀凯撒的共和派势力被除掉后,古罗马帝国的内部矛盾日益加剧,各方争夺势力,屋大维和安东尼形成两权对峙。在拉拢元老院各位长老,煽动风向,将安东尼立为“祖国之敌”,向埃及女王宣战等一系列行动之后,为了争夺国家的最高权力,屋大维和安东尼终于展开了海上的决斗。At the Battle of Philippi, Marc Antony and Octavian fight back their joint enemies to lay c
简介:As the unsuspecting young women, Erika and Amy, get in their car, a sadistic predator in black equipped with a gas-mask knocks them out and abducts them. From this point on, an endless nightmare of unspeakable torment awaits the helpless victims--who are
主演:Yves Rénier Julie-Anne Roth Romann Berrux Lilly Rose Debos
简介:Claire is a single mom raising Marius, 12, and Zoë, 8. Her scant income is barely enough to keep her children from being taken away by Social Services. When Marius is hit by a car -- albeit with no serious consequences -- things change unpredictably.