简介:The film centers on young Mariah, a little girl who dreams of getting a dog for Christmas year after year. This Christmas her dream is fueled after seeing a puppy named Princess at the local pet store. To see if she's ready for the responsibility, Ma
主演:安娜贝勒·拉尼翁 德里克·尼尔森 丹尼斯·法林 李·贝恩 Suzie Frances Garton Gareth Lawrence Kwame Augustine 帕特里克·奥唐奈 Jared Morgan 达伦·斯温 Joseph Simpson-Bushell Oliver Fritz Rik Grayson Francesco Tribuzio Christopher Bennett Tim Larkfield Lee Mark Jones Felicity Boylett Nigel Barrie
简介:Six contemporary stories in five Hungarian cities about relationships, hangovers at the lakeside, dates, ex-lovers and partying. Our movie is an anthology film inspired by the lyrics of Hungary’s most popular music band. The films original title means “Ne
主演:Nicola Bartlett Austin Castiglione Vito de Francesco
简介:Cassie, an artist, fears the bloodthirsty visions in her nightmares and waking hours are actually real-life murders. When an investigator meets up with her to confirm her suspicions, Cassie must use her ability to stop the mysterious murderer in their tra
简介:Overweight highschool student, Miguel, attempts to lose ten pounds in order to spice up his social life. However, name calling classmates are the least of his worries when the sinister celebrity Richard Simmons casts his evil gaze over Miguels large appet
主演:Jane Scarlett Sergio Jones Clark Beasley Jr. Jim Coope David Runco Aaron Clayton
简介:20世纪末,研习黑魔法的阿尔弗莱德(Aldo Sanbrell 饰)利欲熏心,从地狱召唤来三个绝美却恐怖冷血的女妖。女妖帮助他达成愿望,作为回报阿尔弗莱德必须定期向她们奉上活人作为贡品。为了吸引更多贡品,阿尔弗莱德开了一家高级院,多年来无辜遇害者不计其数。阿尔弗莱德死后,约翰•斯托克(Sergio Jones 饰)接手此地,他请来六个灵媒,希望驱除盘踞在这里的恶魔。然而“请神容易送神难”,何况他所面对的是来自地狱深处的魔鬼。灵媒专家泰德(Clark Beasley Jr. 饰)及其小组碰上了出道以来最难