简介:In July 2010, the San Bernardino County authorities were faced with one of the most bizarre crime scenes they’d ever encountered. Alerted by a concerned friend, local police arrived at the victims’ home, and the murders they discovered shook them to the g
简介:威爾斯啟發了黑色電影風格,又以這個類型風格來處理本片。平靜小城受人尊敬的教授原來是納粹餘孽,聯邦密探微服偵查,引發出連場殺戮。威爾斯飾演教授,與康城影帝愛德華.羅便臣飾演的聯邦密探,大鬥演技,成為一時佳話。殺人毒計更為影片帶來奧斯卡最佳原著劇本和威尼斯影展最佳電影金獅獎提名,又是他最賣座的電影。 Welles, who had been an original insp
主演:Nicole Bourdow David Dillehunt Jack Hanny Farrah Jade Seth Johnston Elissa Lauer Chris Simmons Jr. Mariah Smith Angel Southers Lindsay Spatz Michael Spatz Bianca Villamar
简介:A young woman faces a bevy of convoluted memories and inner turmoil while trapped in a cellar with only one method of escape.
主演:皮可·亚历山大 杰克·霍夫曼 Alessandra Mesa Ani Mesa Stanley Simons Liz Cameron Sonia Conlin Christine Lauer Harry Adam Cara Ronzetti Ashley Kalo Lianna Morra Delian Lincourt
简介:When Marian is on the run, she goes to the only place she knows is safe: her childhood home. She is greeted by her estranged sister, Vivian, a stay-at-home housewife struggling to conceive and on the verge of a failing marriage. Though the two are identic
主演:莫里斯·舍瓦利耶 珍妮特·麦克唐纳 Lupino Lane 莉莲·罗思 尤金·佩里特 埃利萨·卡尔弗特 Edgar Norton 莱昂内尔·贝尔莫尔 拉斯·鲍威尔 Carl Stockdale Albert Roccardi Anton Vaverka Margaret Fealy 弗吉尼亚·布鲁斯 June Bupp André Cheron Yola dAvril Adolph Faylauer 温特·霍尔 珍·哈露 Perry Ivins 默多克·麦夸里 Manuel París 本·特平 Will
简介:希尔维尼亚女王露易斯(珍妮特·麦克唐纳 Jeanette MacDonald 饰)常年过着离群索居深入简出的日子,长久的孤独让她内心里充满了对爱情的渴望。露易丝听闻雷纳德伯爵(莫里斯·切瓦力亚 Maurice Chevalier 饰)风流倜傥,深谙勾女之道,于是将他从法国传唤回国。来到女王身边之后,雷纳德使出了浑身的解数来讨女王欢心,成果喜人,很快,女王便决定同雷纳德结婚。然而,两人婚后的生活并不美满幸福,女王只希望雷纳德以一个附属品的身份待在她的身边,可是雷纳德却希望自己能够参与到国家大事里去,久而久