简介:This series follows a year in the lives of four 30-something Belgradians. After spending a year in the U.S., Filip, a promising electrical engineering student returns to Belgrade for a short visit, but ends up staying longer than intended. Filip’s visit w
简介:A historical fiction drama and thriller set in the turbulent period of the late 1930s in the Balkans as a place where high politics, local interests, capital and crime all merge together.
简介:本片被认为是苏联默片时代最伟大的作品之一,Olga Preobrazhenskaya是苏联历史上首位女导演,在苏联早期电影史上她的位置非常重要。Russia 1914. Shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, so that the otherwise quiet life in the Russian village Riasan suddenly stands on its head. The men of the step-siste