简介:Otto, a young man from East-Frisia comes to the big city (Hamburg) to make his fortune. Most of all he is engaged with two problems: How can he impress Silvia, a rich young girl, and where does he get 9876,50 DM to pay off a loan shark?
主演:娜塔莉·伍德 理查德·贝梅尔 拉斯·坦布林 丽塔·莫雷诺 乔治·查金思 西蒙·奥克兰 内德·格拉斯 William Bramley 塔克·史密斯 托尼·莫邓特 戴维·温特斯 Eliot Feld 贝尔·迈克尔斯 戴维·比恩 Robert Banas Anthony Scooter Teague 哈维·埃文斯 Tommy Abbott Susan Oakes Gina Trikonis Carole DAndrea Jose De Vega Gus Trikonis Jaime Rogers Larry R
简介:曼哈顿西部贫民区里有两帮势不两立的流氓团伙,一个是由白人里弗领导的“火箭”帮,另一个是由波多黎各人贝尔纳尔多带头的“鲨鱼”帮。两帮相互仇视,经常斗殴生事。一次西区举行舞会,两个帮派相互拼舞,里弗的朋友托尼(理查德·贝梅尔 Richard Beymer 饰)与贝尔纳尔多的妹妹玛丽亚(娜塔利·伍德 Natalie Wood 饰)一见钟情。贝尔纳尔多发现两人的爱慕后,强行让手下带走了妹妹。夜里,托尼站在玛丽亚的窗前呼唤她,两人坚定地相爱了。第二天,玛丽亚听说“鲨鱼帮”将和“火箭帮”决斗,便让托尼前去阻止。托尼匆
主演:史蒂芬·莫耶 凯瑟琳·海格尔 托马斯·克莱舒曼 爱德华·福克斯 乌多·基尔 乔安娜·拉姆利 朗·普尔曼 沃维克·戴维斯 加万·奥赫利希 Ben Pullen 沃尔特·戈塔尔 安东尼·希科克斯 扎克·加利根 Hamish Campbell-Robertson 马库斯·申肯伯格 Chesney Hawkes Peri Callimanopulos Guy Farley 卡尔·奥斯丁 卡伦·梅奥-钱德勒 裘蒂·洁德
简介:In a time now lost in the mists of memory, the great King Arthur rules in the legendary citadel that is Camelot. His Knights of the Round Table perform acts of derring-do and spend their spare time jousting, much to the delight of the local citizens and e
简介:After several years of numbly mourning his parents death, 26 year old Selim (Cevik) takes a chance on the US lottery for passports and wins. He decides to sell the family olive grove to raise enough money to live in Manhattan and to break all roots to Tur
主演:凯莉·林奇 巴瑞·塔布 Ron Sloan 拉里·波恩德克斯特 Lupe Amador Peter McPherson Vanessa Conti Dianne Turley Travis Stanley Grover Gene Knight Tony Markes Cindy Guyer Queenie Susan Sherriffe Jean St. James
简介:A woman tries to kill herself and ends up in the hospital. She escapes and wanders into the desert. There she comes upon a roadside bar where she gets extremely drunk with the locals and a mysterious man, who seems to be shy of policemen. She wakes up in