简介:The story revolves around a retired judge, Mr. Nishanath Sen, who stays at a farm house called Golap Colony (The Rose Colony) at the outskirts of Calcutta. The people who stay in the colony are a strange melee of handicaps, social outcasts and ex-convicts
简介:超级巨星玛西曾让世界拜倒在她的脚下。悲催的是,相比于宝莱坞的事业,她更想和男友雅利安一起安定生活,这就导致了她事业上的衰败。玛西意识到自己需要反击一搏…… Superstar Mahi Arora has the world at her feet for a bit. Sadly, Mahi is more interested in settling down wi
主演:Small World Small Band Ratanak Ben Daniel Chea Socheat Chea Sreynan Chea Arn Chorn-Pond Chanta Chy Chansaron Duch Asanai Hang Sareth Has Thouna Kanika Sovuthy Ker Bonleap Khiev Chandanich Kouy Kimkhorn Kuch 王爱伦