简介:A darkly comedic feature film drama that centers on a mother-daughter con artist duo. An adaptation of the Billie Livingston novella titled The Trouble With Marlene, it is a bittersweet and emotional journey that deals with dysfunction, love and addiction
简介:Five year old Amy and her Mum are divided in grief for Dad, occupying very separate worlds in their struggle to cope. But whilst Mum sinks into numb solitude, Amy seeks a more magical escape that ultimately has its own perils.
主演:Chris Dalbey Kieran Boyle Rob Dimension Genoveva Rossi Dakota Jade Andrew Hall James Costa Lauren Ojeda Nat Gennace Erin Anthony Jason Boyle Anthony Edward Curry Jennifer Deverin Matt Garafalo Cole Geissler
简介:To survive, Andy commits heinous acts of murder to find refuge from a world that is in essence mad, a world where we deny our true will, thoughts and desires. How many people like Andy commit heinous acts in their attempt to "cope" with an insan