主演:Adipati Dolken Mawar Eva de Jongh Hanggini Sara Fajira Hans De Weers Gusti Rayhan Derry Oktami Ravil Prasetya Tomy Babap Iyang Darmawan Violla Georgie
简介:A village faces a wave of terror when three women fall prey to demanic forces, becoming deadly instruments of malevolence and revenge.
简介:From Wiki Chn故事发生在一片充满神秘与魔咒的土地上,这片土地上流传着亚瑟王的传奇故事。魔法和魔咒主宰着这片神秘土地上的一切。片中伊万王子的女儿蒂嘉娜公主,为了拯救被邪恶魔法操纵的父亲,以及保护小亚瑟王的王位不受巴肯所掠夺,她手持正义之剑—克立波之剑发誓与邪恶势力奋战到底。来协助蒂嘉娜的两个主要人物,他们是年轻的魔法术士赫科和野人部落的女战士塔拉。他们依靠着自己坚定的信念与克立波之剑的力量,最终邪恶将惨败于正义的力量。————————————————————From Wiki EngTh
主演:Mya Bollaers 伯努瓦·马吉梅尔 Els Deceukelier 萨米·瓦塔尔巴利 Jérémy Zagba Anemone Valcke Adriana Da Fonseca Delphine Bibet Félix Vannoorenberghe Denis Mpunga 马蒂亚斯·赛苏 Vincenzo De Jonghe 安妮-玛丽·卢珀 Kris Swinnen 罗比·克莱伦
简介:Lola, 18 years old, bleach blonde hair, lives in a foster home with Samir, her only friend. Impulsive and lonely, she is trying to get her diploma as a veterinary assistant. When her mother passes away, her father Phillip makes sure that Lola will miss th
简介:韓國女導演鄭佳映繼《Bitch On the Beach》後再度自導自演,引用和朋友之間的親身經歷,以男女不同的思考模式與心理攻防為主調,加入《春逝》的想像橋段,談談情、說說性,用輕鬆黑色幽默的手法探討男女之間的大不同。劇情圍繞導演所建構的愛情世界,女主角以田野調查之名,向男主角借醉行兇。大量的長對白玩味有驚喜,素人演出也絕非隨意即興,背後充滿導演的反覆推敲。導演坦言,她的作品深受洪常秀影響,且看本片如何拍出洪氏風格之餘,又充滿她的個人特色。
主演:Flavio Bauraqui Tais Bizerril Jonas Bloch Pedro Henrique Chaves Davi Galdeano Stephanie de Jongh Flávio Chacal Geromel
简介:Nando, a 12 year old boy, narrates the adventures of his father Antonio, during the 60s in Brazil, who leaves the inland of the state of Minas to go to Brasília, a recently inaugurated city, but still with construction works in progress.