简介:当一名彩票中奖者在中枪后,被救护车开往医院的路上,侦探们也在同一时间争分夺秒地尝试破解这背后的故事。《墨染横财 You Bet》是一部悬疑微电影,它荒凉的世界里充满了谎言和背叛;电影在14分钟内讲述了发生于一晚之内的一宗案件,而主人公乔治山逊的死因和那张未领取的彩票的命 运也随着电影的进展一点点地揭露出来。
主演:Jason Adams Stephen Bell Anand Bhatt Melinda Deamon Michael Doonan Leah Generous William Kalinak Paul M. Lisnek Sara Anne Tomczak Ken Turner Joette Waters
简介:LUNCH AT MIDNIGHT is a comedic drama. Felix is a recluse who cares for his comatose father. Alma, his dad's new nurse and a recent divorce, challenges Felix. After a bar fight, Felix is ordered to seek therapy which forces him to examine buried issue