简介:In Umbracle, an aleatory horror film that paints a critical image of Francoist Spain, Portabella continues his exploration of the language of experimental cinema and develops his aesthetic of combining documentary with reenactment. He worked with Christop
简介:In this gothic comedy, an abused, eccentric young man makes good use of his mean Aunt's expiration (sometimes death can be a blessing in disguise). But it takes the help of a unique friend to realize-it's okay to be strange!
主演:Lisandro Abadie Claudio Danuser Jeannine Hirzel Javier Hagen Robert Koller Wolfgang Beuschel Merle Katrin Seibert François Cattin Hsi Hsuan Chung Jean-François Lehmann Vincent Daoud Alain Bertholet Jacques Henry Noelle Reymond Lucas Gonseth
简介:令人惊叹的音乐童话故事“这部歌剧将给予少年儿童听众一个美好的契机来发现新奇的当代音乐”摘自2011年2月12日,瑞士《公正快报》,乐评家:Fabrice DuclosL'émerveillement d'un conte musical"Ce spectacl e aura fourni aux jeunes auditeurs une jolie occasion de découvrir la musique contemporaine."Extrai