主演:丹妮尔·哈丽丝 比利·布莱尔 Tatiana Sokolova Robert Bess 肖恩 C.菲利普斯 Charles Solomon Jr. Niko El Santo Zavero Beau D. Boykin 娜塔莉·琼斯 Jennifer Michelle Stone II William Instone 维克多·V·盖尔索米诺 Michelle Hill Kellen DeRuy Lisa Hinds
主演:Jasmine Washington Christopher Sean Cooper Jr. 凯兰·泰特洛 卡莉·克莱格 Banks Quinney Victoria Scola-Giampapa Vanessa Huszar
简介:This trio of heroic classroom pets live in a New York City kindergarten and use the power of teamwork to rescue animals around the world in musical adventures.
主演:莫蕾娜·巴卡琳 安东尼·麦凯 麦蒂·哈森 Shauna Earp Danny Boyd Jr. Kevin Hummel Dalila Orozco Dave Malkoff Drexel Malkoff James Anthony Perez Gregg S. Perry Mike Hickman
主演:Cess Garcia Karl Aquino 扎拉·拉克萨曼娜 JD Aguas Elmo Elarmo Jr.
简介:Krista is happy with the simple life she's living with the husband she loves very much. But her ambitious husband ends up losing big at cockfighting, forcing him to commit a crime, and leading Krista to use her body to save him.
简介:Leïla, a young woman of Moroccan descent, has returned to Corsica where she was born, to visit the grave of her stillborn child. A conversation with her brother Amine, who stayed in Bastia, brings up her doubts of burying there. Between Corsica, the mainl
简介:首度以人见人爱的大熊猫和中国功夫作为故事主线,《功夫熊猫》定于6月全球上映,届时配合举世瞩目的2008年北京奥运,加上武术首度被列为奥运特设项目,相信定必在全世界掀起势不可挡的中国功夫热潮,电影有望打破纪录,勇夺全球动画票房金牌!梦工厂对这部重头戏非常重视,除了出动《怪物史瑞克》、《马达加斯加》班底精心构思故事、设计角色,钻研最先进的电脑特技外,更请来最星光熠熠的声演阵容,包括搞笑巨星杰克·布莱克( Jack Black )声演熊猫阿宝、金像影帝达斯汀·霍夫曼( Dustin Hoffman )声演施福
主演:老约翰·吉拉德 布赖恩·安东尼·威尔逊 Kimberly Bada Lamar Bumbrey 克里斯托弗·曼恩 Don G. Scott Montana Marks Billy Vargus August Jillard Vaughn Goland Jennifer Butler Josue Rivera James Washington Jr. Michael McFadden Jenna Wolf
简介:The story begins with Johnny, a loving husband and father. After losing his young daughter and his own parents in a devastating car crash, he must also reconcile his wife walking out on him when the grief is too much for her to face, as it alters his life