简介:In late 19th Century, Bengal Bhubaneswar Chowdhury (Jackie Shroff) is a wealthy and tyrannical Zamidar (Squire). He has two main obsessions: his desperate attempts for an heir, which even his new second wife Jashomati seems unable to deliver; and competin
简介:《红鹰侠》是泰国六、七十年代最著名的系列科幻动作电影,剧情主打“孤胆英雄”,题材新奇,场面火爆,极受观众欢迎,在泰国可谓家喻户晓,1959年,泰国最具传奇色彩的演员Mitr Chaibancha出演了第一部红鹰侠电影。这部16毫米胶皮拍摄的影片不仅在上映后取得了巨大的成功,并且也让Mitr成为了至今也无可比拟的超级英雄。1962年至1970年陆续又制作了6部《红鹰嗡侠》系列影片。但是1970年,一起轰动一时的意外事件终结了红鹰侠的传奇。Mitre指导并出演《红鹰侠之The Golden Eagle》,在
简介:A young woman becomes a nun when she believes her sweetheart has been killed, then things get complicated when he returns alive. Lillian Gish is the daughter of a rich Italian count who
简介:Noor is a journalist who juggles her work, love and personal life on a day-to-day basis. One day, Noor's life takes a dramatic turn when she comes across an eye-opening investigative news story.