简介:My Girl is an adaptation of the hit Korean drama series of the same title. The original series was aired by ABS-CBN in 2006. This is the first and highly acclaimed adaptation of a Korean drama series (also called Koreanovela in the Philippines) for Philip
简介:Part time taxi driver and full time bum Ki-hoon lives one day at a time. His only wish is to live happily ever after with Hyun-hee. One day, Ki-hoon runs over a man while driving at dawn and it is only the beginning of his troubles. That same day, before
简介:Orphans Woo-cheon and Michael have lived in the orphanage like brothers. Michael becomes a Catholic priest, and Woo-cheon becomes a Buddhist monk. Woo-cheon goes on a 2-day journey and reaches enlightenment and meets Michael again.