主演:David Usner Joel Roth Kelly Burk Sheryl Hartman Ted Barker Vanessa Donley
简介:A coming-of-age film about two sixty-year-old best buddies who should have come-of-age a long time ago. When Marriage and Family Therapists, Dave and Joel, set off for a San Francisco Therapy Conference, with the intention of hiring Escorts as an escape f
主演:Joe Cappelletti Samuel Hery Peter Oldring Cindy Robinson
简介:芦佛是一个年龄为140亿年的小外星人,他每天的生活是跟随父亲建设宇宙,面对这些宇宙工程师们的重复劳作,芦佛心生厌倦,于是,这个年轻成员决定以自我表达的名义,打破宇宙建设的陈规法则,他喜欢用暗物质在陨石上信笔涂鸦,这使得一颗陨石成为月亮,而这竟是形成地球上生物起源的先导必须元素……创世纪超强科幻短片《如斯星球》人类史前文明竟是一个小外星人创造的结果,这脑洞大得堪比黑洞。本片由美国创作人Eric Law Anderson执导,Eric Law Anderson毕业于美国南加州大学电影学院,职业生涯起步于哥
简介:Sukumaran Vaidyar and his family, who run a charitable ayurvedic resort named Ayur Home. Despite the presence of a multi-specialty hospital in the area, the villagers of Aickarakkonam qiwan.cc believe in the efficacy of Ayur Home.