简介:Khosrow, who is forced in the mental sanatorium, has spent all these years in the minds of his beautiful daughter. Today’s birthday is beautiful and Khosrow doesn’t want to go through this simple day …
简介:泰剧《牢笼之谜》(又名《金翅鸟之笼》)讲述了为家族长兄M. R. W. Adisak(Captain 饰)洗清冤屈的故事。Adisak因被指控盗窃家族祖传钻石而沦为替罪羊,生活陷入困境,被迫与家人同住出租屋。其女儿Khwan Tha(Cookie 饰)无法忍受父亲名誉受损,决心追查真相以恢复家族荣耀。她与出版商之子Prakan(Tiewhui 饰)联手,试图回到“Surayakarn”家族揭开秘密。剧情围绕洗冤、家族秘密及两代人的情感纠葛展开,最终Khwan Tha能否成功证明父亲清白,成为贯穿全剧的核心
简介:Suk Sanaeha Kraithong Chalawan是根据泰国流行的民间传说“Kraithong”改编的,讲述了一个凶猛的鳄鱼国王“查拉旺”与勇士“克莱通”的故事, Suk Sanaeha Kraithong Chalawan is based on popular Thai folklore"Kraithong " which spoke
简介:After dancing together in a night club, seven young people (five men and two women) are told they have won the night's dance contest and are instructed to board a small plane that will take them to their prize holiday. Instead, they end up stranded o