简介:根据Mitch Albom的最新作品《The Five People You Meet in Heaven》改编,同样讨论人生的生死问题,死亡却从结局演变成了开端,主角Eddie是一名游乐园管理工人,战争时意外的脚伤,让他只能在游乐场日复一日且一拐一拐的巡视整个游乐场。不过在他83岁生日那天,却因一件游乐场的意外,让他在营救一个小女孩时不幸身亡。 当Eddie醒来时,却
简介:Lord Don't Slow Me Down is a rockumentary film, looking back on British band Oasis' Don't Believe the Truth world tour which took place from May 2005 to March 2006. The film is directed by Baillie Walsh.
简介:Main characters Neil Vincent and Stephan Shultz are around 19-21 years old, they live in a rented house, sit around and play video games...they're douche bags. On Neil's side of the story, his life has been going down hill fast. He's just b