简介:The story revolves around a retired judge, Mr. Nishanath Sen, who stays at a farm house called Golap Colony (The Rose Colony) at the outskirts of Calcutta. The people who stay in the colony are a strange melee of handicaps, social outcasts and ex-convicts
简介:The film takes place in Calcutta, 1971. Story begins with rehabilitation official Venu (Mohanlal) coming to Calcutta in one of his regular visits to shift about 35 - 40 refugee families to Andaman Islands. The current rehabilitation plan is only those who
主演:Soumitra ChatterjeeSoumitra Chatterjee... Dr. Sengupta
简介:SenGupta, a doctor who only treats upper-class patients, is forced to confront his own moral and medical beliefs as he discovers rural India during an unexpected stop at a village. He finds a breathless man lying on the side of the road. With little symp
主演:阿贾耶·德乌干 乌尔米拉.马东卡 Reena Roy 纳萨鲁丁·沙 Kiran Kumar Bajrangi Ashok Banthia Ramesh Bhatkar Prashant Damle Debu Makrand Deshpande Deepak Dixit Baby Gazala Santosh Gupta Ali Khan
简介:Mumbai-based Saxena family consists of Professor Nirbhay, his wife, Preeti, their school-going daughter, Ritu; Nirbhay's college-going brother and sister, Vijay and Suman respectively. Vijay meets with fellow collegian, Honey, and after a few alterca