简介:Wrestlers will portray heroes or villains as they follow a series of events that build tension and culminate in a wrestling match or series of matches.
简介:斯特凡在前往祖母八十岁生日聚会的途中,不小心撞到了一只狗。内疚之下,他决定将这只狗带到家乡的湖边,而那里正是他母亲生前度过最后时光的地方。他原本计划拍摄一部关于母亲的电影,如今,这段旅程却成了一场更深层次的自我探寻。 在这片承载着记忆的湖畔,斯特凡试图理解母亲曾说过的话——「The wind brings wishes to life. 」但直到这一刻,他才真正开始倾听
主演:布鲁诺·费尔南德斯 João Pedro Prates Alexandre Borin Cassiano Ranzolin Rafael Guerra Gabriela Greco Felicitas Chaves 布鲁诺·费尔南德斯 Bruno Fernandes Artur Gaudenzi Mariana Catalane
简介:Desire and guilt traverse the journey of Pássaro, the only son of the Tamai family, and Ângelo, the youngest son of the Miranda family and Marciano's brother. Living in a small town, Pássaro and Marciano were best friends as children, despite the constant
主演:Berline Charles Feguenson Hermogène Doreen Granados Alejandra de Jesús Garcell
简介:Nadia is a biologist who researches the native flora and fauna of Cuba. Suddenly, one day the forest sounds different. Something has happened. His Haitian homeland has never felt further away.