主演:奥斯汀·艾布拉姆斯 伊万·奥图尔 Glennellen Anderson Bryan Chesters Shay Rudolph
简介:Hulu宣布预订Bret Easton Ellis所著的同名小说改编剧《零下的激情 Less Than Zero》试映集,剧集版由Craig Wright负责。小说过去曾被改编成1987年的同名电影,而剧版内容亦类同,讲述大学新生的主角回到家乡过圣诞,因而与前女友Blair及染上毒瘾的朋友Julian再度联系起来。Austin Abrams将会饰演主角Clay,过去在洛杉矶成长,现在则是在东海岸当大一生。Lily Donoghue饰演性感﹑聪明的前女友Blair,希望重拾关系﹑Cooper Koch饰演
简介:Charlie Brooker attempts to explain where it all went wrong and just how wildly the TV and movie ideal differs from life's grim realityEver wondered why life doesn't measure up to those youthful lofty expectations?From love and money to fear a