主演:Seo Ri Seur Im So Mi Eom Ji Man Yu Jae Geun 李采潭
简介:Inexperienced adult novelist dreams of romantic love Jena aspiring writers to work in a cafe and pensions spare time writes. Chance to work their pensions to meet in a cafe and a role model Waxing Waxing tanked his way to hold onto and stick to the passer
主演:Son Woo-hyeok Park Jeong-soo-II Kim Tae-hyeon-I Kim Chae-geun
简介:Hyeong-soo in the high school Judo team has to quit because of his father who doesn't care about him. With his best friends Jin-ho and Seong-rok, he decides to start afresh but everything starts falling apart when he meets the school bully Jin-gyu. I
简介:“Shall we go on a trip?” Jin-wook and So-ri couple have been dating for 6 years. So-ri randomly suggests that they should go on a trip along with her best friend Mi-ra and her boyfriend.
简介:A dysfunctional family's heart of darkness is laid bare in the grimly humorous and then just plain grim meller "Members of the Funeral." Feature bow by Baek Seung-bin heralds a dark wit and sleek intelligence guided by a creatively
主演:Joo Hyeon Ye Soo-jeong Chae Min-hee Kim Bong-geun
简介:与家族最后的离别,竟成为送给大家最后的礼物……一直悉心照料家庭的熙珍突然得了重病,在生命的尾声,她决定和家族成员惜别。面对失去自己什么都不会料理的丈夫、除了妈妈什么都不知道的儿子、疲于应付的忙碌女儿,熙珍该怎么做呢?一对相濡以沫40年的老夫妻在离别一刻,竟然感受到爱情的再度降临……而家人们也在这悲伤时刻重新领悟了爱的真谛、人生的美好!《偕老》改编自芬兰小说家塔乌诺·伊利路西(1927~1994)的原作《Hand in hand》,讲述一对老年夫妻在面对生离死别时,再度发现爱情的感人故事。Hand in
简介:《通缉犯wanted》平静的村子,原本一生都过得很平淡的老婆婆近日却发生了奇怪的事情,只要她出现在外,就会天降大雨,众人觉得很不可思议,有传言跟一在逃的通缉犯有牵连,事件变得越来越恐怖……《爱是蛋白质》世间的所有鸡们,有大事件发生了!无聊的夏夜,在浩、哲秀等三人合伙一起做饭,打破猪钱罐打算叫鸡肉外卖吃。没想到,第一次送餐却送错了,订的鸡肉送来的是猪脚,第二次由外卖店的老板亲自送来,这回新的麻烦又来了——关于怎么吃鸡肉,大家有着不同的立场和观点……《武林第一剑的私生活A coffee Vendin
简介:A dog-like guy keeping a cat, a cat-like girl keeping a dog and their sometimes sweet, sometimes sour love story.This film is Korea's and the world's first feature film shot 100% with an iPhone 4s.