简介:After WWIII has devastated America, a small band of female warriors attempt to survive long enough to make it to the last city left. The problem is dictator Rollins doesn't want her city overpopulating so she sends out her team of mercenaries to hunt
简介:就在数年前,黑人小混混安东(特利瓦·艾提恩 Treva Etienne 饰)和搭档塔隆(盖瑞·麦克唐纳 Gary McDonald 饰)发得一笔横财,谁想却被绰号叫“C”的家伙(莱尼·詹姆斯 Lennie James 饰)来了个黑吃黑,而人最终落得两手空空。凭借这笔财富,C在洛杉矶一带迅速窜红,他投资经营脱衣舞店,不久便控制大半个洛杉矶,生意越做越大。与此同时,安东和塔隆重新聚首,决定抢回本该属于自己的财富。然而C财大气粗,势力不容小觑,他的周围时刻逡巡着杀气腾腾的保镖。对于安东他们来说,这无疑是蚍蜉撼树
主演:杰西卡·兰格 坦米·布兰查德 Ron White 乔贝兹·威廉姆斯 Alison Murray Fab Filippo Brian Downey Brianna MacDonald Joey Campbell David Patrick Flemming Michael Ray Fox Gary Levert Liam McNamara Marlane OBrien
主演:桑尼·戴尔 Kamaal Khan Thomas Tevana Shilpi Mudgal Gary Castro Churchwell Valbona Coba Shilpi Sharma Alex Alexander
简介:《永恒的神保佑》(Jo Bole So Nihaal )是一部描述锡克教徒的印地语影片,片名是锡克教徒号召战争和祈祷时所说的第一句话。该影片讲的是一名锡克教警察被一名罪犯欺骗,于是他展开对罪犯的全球追捕。片中一些镜头令一些锡克教徒不满:演员不脱鞋、不蒙头就走进锡克教寺庙,甚至还有裸体女人追锡克教徒的场面。这些对锡克教徒而言,都是大不敬。这部影片在本月发行后,立即引起锡克教徒的抗议。锡克教全国最高决策委员会(SGPC)要求禁放该片,他们指出,不仅影片内容伤害了锡克教徒的感情,而且影片将祈祷语作为片名也是亵
简介:A story about Down's syndrome of a young man named Leon. After his mother died a hero struggles to stay and live with his sister. However, she is trying to improve her personal life and her only brother is an underdeveloped hindrance ...
主演:Stephen Chambers 弗利 Gary Fredo William A. Kirkley Ron Martinez Michael Orr Keith Morris Angela Torrez Parker
简介:The third (and seemingly final) installment in Penelope Spheeris' Los Angeles music trilogy, THE DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION III follows not the punk acts of Los Angeles from 1996-1997 but their homeless teenaged fans. Musician interviews in this